My 180 on H and M

Harry and Meghan are reportedly moving to California and Trump refuses to pay for their security. Rightly so. One of a tiny percentage of things I actually agree with that racist Oompah-Loompah on. The United States is, after all, a Republic.

However, I’ve recently done a full 180 here.

As many of you may realise, I’m a republican (not an American Republican, but a republican – anti-monarchist).

Despite this, I have admired how Harry has dealt with his situation and totally support his choice to step away from playing the birth-given role as a royal.

I used to think, like many people, that neither UK, nor Canadian (if that’s where he would be living) tax-payers should have to pay for his choice.

On reflection, I now realise that the ONLY reason Harry is in this situation at all is as a direct result of having been born as a prisoner of the media into a system that UK (and Canadian) taxpayers have, for centuries, chosen to endorse & continue to support.

His need for security, whether he continues to be an official member of the royal family or not, is as a direct result of the policies of the British (and Canadian) state.

If you want a royal family, then you have to put up with its upsides and it’s downs, which includes the mental imprisonment, continual surveillance and the lack of freedom that you and I take for granted, of any person with the great misfortune to have popped out of the vagina of a queen or a princess, or to fall in love with a member of it.

If you choose to continue to support what I believe to be an immoral, undemocratic and cruel, state-sanctioned system of, yes, ‘privileged’ imprisonment (but imprisonment nonetheless), then pay for his lifelong captivity!

They are, after all, little more than zoo animals for your ‘amusement’ and ‘enjoyment’, as you gawk at them through the bars of the red tops and salacious tabloids hungry for the next juicy feeding that satisfies your soap-opera-like obsession with the lives of people you don’t actually know and don’t really give one iota of a f*** about.

You want to support a sick system like that in order to feed your obsession over another family because your own life and family is so boring and inadequate? Then live with your mentally sick and barbaric choice and put your money where your mouth is, so that those who are the victims of your obsession can try, at least, to piece together some degree of ‘normality’ and a ‘life’ despite your best efforts to try to rip it apart.

You support having a royal family? Pay for it and all the s*** it leaves behind.