Legitimate conspiracy or disobedience excuse?

I totally support the concept of never taking anything at face value and we should all, always, question the motives of governments, big business, the media and religion. I’m all for listening to the odd conspiracy theory for a bit of distraction and entertainment. Oftentimes, even the wildest theory contains an element of truth.

Is this the face of a man that welcomes Covid-19 to quash civil unrest & liberties?

Now, I’m not incapable of accepting the vague possibility of Covid-19 being a form of biological warfare by a hostile state (why they would choose for it to begin in China raises further questions however – not without possible answers) or a terrorist organisation. But the idea that it is a plot inflicted on Western powers by Western governments themselves in order to be able to operate total lockdown and exert full control over a population that they have, until now, deemed unruly because of wide-scale riots (such as the gilet jaunes in France, civil unrest in places like Greece and Italy) financial turmoil and Climate Change demonstrations across the globe, is laughable beyond belief.

Firstly, have you seen the faces of several world leaders such as Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and Marc Rutte? They are shit-scared, visibly stressed and totally out of their depths! Why would they inflict that upon themselves???

Secondly, and most importantly, why would any country put themselves in a situation where they are having to fork out billions or trillions of dollars/euros/pounds on rapidly upgrading their health systems, bailing out businesses and citizens facing unemployment and indefinite periods of unpaid work, flying citizens back home from locations across the globe, to name just a few actions government are now enacting? In the meantime, being unable to collect the tax revenues they require to fund their desired programs and policies.

The idea that any government would put themselves in a position where they face an indefinite period of economic stagnation leading to possible financial ruin and even bankruptcy for the sake of stopping a few people rioting can only be concocted and believed by the most warped and moronic of minds – I suspect mainly expressed by those seeking ‘justification’ to flaunt the self-distancing recommendations and put a big middle finger to their government as well as to the safety, well-being and lives of others.

Just one more point for any moron who thinks this is a legitimate argument: Donald Trump owns many luxury hotels, resorts, golf resorts, etc – what the f* would make you think it would be to his advantage to f* over the tourist industry so that his own personal income is massively affected as a result??? The guy loves nothing more than making more money!

Thirdly, and finally, Trump, Johnson, Rutte all stand on similar parts of the political spectrum: right of the centre. For conservatives (with small and capital ‘c’), two principles run central to their philosophy: liberalism (i.e. individual rights and freedoms) and low levels of state interference. How then can anyone equate these principles with the entirely opposing and reluctant moves they are having to take in order to attempt to combat the threat of Covid-19 to the well-being and lives of their citizens?

I am the last person to defend the actions of right-wing politicians. I feel nothing but disdain for my own Prime Minister Johnson. Despite this, I suggest some of you employ the grey matter using something we call rationale a little more, lay off the wacky, keep getting fresh fruit and veg, do some exercise if you can, don’t believe everything you read on social media, stick to reputable news sources and stop coming up with stupid and ill-considered justifications for you to carry on behaving like a selfish, arrogant, narcissistic c**t.


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